Being Productive On Purpose!

I live a very full life!  With ministry, business, and my family, things can become quite hectic.
One of things that I have learned over the years is to get organized, say no, and good is good enough. 🙂






Get organized for me meant throwing things away, using lists, and working with schedules. Those things may seem simple but simply removing clutter can do a world of good for your home or office but also for your peace of mind.
Having a place for everything and everything in its place is a great goal to have. While I do not always achieve it, striving for it makes my life so much easier.






Using lists has really helped me because I don’t have a boss or a clock that I must hit. I work for myself and have for a very long time. When I think about the time I have wasted over the years I cringe because when I am focused I accomplish great feats, but when I am not I am the greatest time waster there is. You know from spending too much time on social media to a phone call that lasted too long because you had so much to share. Lol! It really can go on and on.


My lists help me keep my house clean. They help me complete my daily tasks for “work” and they help me keep my family organized as well.






Working with a schedule has also helped me. Though using a list is very similar using a schedule takes a step further. I have certain days for doing laundry. I have certain hours in the day that I work on new projects or return phone calls or even have my spiritual time. I have scheduled time for dinner preparation. There is even scheduled time with my husband.


I schedule each month when certain bills are to be paid so that I am never late in meeting an obligation. I have a special calendar for this and each day is highlighted when it is completed.


I schedule blogging time, business prayer time, family prayer time, and personal development time every single day. I am productive on purpose.


(Whitney said it best!) I’M EVERY WOMAN! I DO IT NATURALLY!!



While some may find some of these ideas extreme, I have found they help me live a less chaotic life. For this reason, I am an author, a singer song writer and producer, course creator,  business owner, executive pastor, daughter, sister, friend,wife, and mom.


Managing a full life/plate is doable but you must have a plan. Be intentional. Tweak it along the way and be productive on purpose.


Thanks for stopping by. Make sure you leave me a comment. I read them all.

See you next time…

Chow. 🙂

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