Work On What Really Matters
Wow can you believe it’s August already? The year is moving along quickly. Are you on track with your goals? You do have goals right? Well it’s time for a quick check up. Do a quick assessment to see where you are and make all the necessary adjustments to make sure you stay on target. 
As you are examining your goals make sure you are working on what really matters. Get rid of things that waste your time or cause you heartache or setbacks. If you don’t draw the line in the sand and decide that this is your life and your happiness, and success is up to you, then you will continue to live a boring, mundane life without achieving what YOU really want.
Relationships Matter
Focus on making sure that your relationships get the necessary time. If you are married, your spouse needs time with you. Your spouse needs to know that he or she matters and it is your responsibility to make sure that they know this. Do something “just because” they matter and watch the return on investment. It will go further than you realize.
If you have children take the time to listen and laugh and do things that they enjoy. I returned from a short vacation and my youngest daughter talked to me for what seemed hours but to see her smile as she paced the floor to catch me up with everything it brought joy to my heart that
1. She wanted to talk to me. (lol) She’s a teenager &
2. I wanted to talk to her.
Taking the time to develop relationships with your family goes a long way and it really matters.
Your Career Matters
I once heard someone say, “Do something that your future self will thank you for.” This is incredible advise and it helps me as I plan my career choices. I ask myself will I be happy with this decision 5 years from now? How about 20? Is what I am doing something that my future self will be glad I did? In other words, is the decision I am about to make something that really matters?
When you live in this manner, your business investments, career choices or choice of associations take on a whole new perspective. Is this something that really matters in the grand scheme of things? If it doesn’t, don’t do it and move on.
Your Faith Matters
Of course our faith is very personal but this is my “personal” blog so I feel I have liberty to make mention of making sure that you focus on your faith as well or in other words your relationship with God, Our creator. The peace I have found through my relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ has been incredible!
Although I feel for years I wasted time trying to please people and “be” this pastor’s wife that everyone would love often to my demise or even hurt, I now focus on what really matters. Loving God, Loving my family and loving HIS people and helping those that want my help. They can keep all the pomp and stance. I don’t need it. Because in the grand scheme of things, “the color of the carpet, who will lead the next song, who wants to carry my Bible for me, who agrees with women preachers, etc. Lol… it goes on and on and it really doesn’t matter…
Your Health Matters
Lastly I would say take care of your health. When you are young you really take great metabolism and lack of exercise for granted. I know I did. I truly have never “had” to exercise from a vanity stand point but health is not entirely based upon how you look. It is also based upon how you feel.
Taking care of ourselves is something that really matters and although we may not aspire to be a world class athlete, some type of movement is important for the maintenance of this great machine we were gifted with. Drinking water, taking brisk walks, lifting weights, eating clean, and even reading and listening to positive information for your mind set are all things that really matter pertaining to great health.
Taking care of yourself mind, body, and soul are things that really matter and I hope you focus on making better choices because even though right now it may not seem like a big deal, it’s the accumulation of bad choices that lead to a bad harvest. (something you don’t want.) Your future self will thank you. 🙂
I Gotta Go!
Well that’s my Friday spill. Knowing me I will probably be back before next Friday but I just wanted to encourage you to focus on what really matters. Don’t get distracted with stupid stuff like impressing people or putting on a show or pretending to be something you are not. Do you. Enjoy life. Make a difference and watch your life get better and better.
Take care of your relationship with God (that really matters) Take care of your family (they really matter), Take care of your life purpose/career/vocation (that really matters) and Take care of your health. (that really matters.)
See you next week! Chow!
For a great weekend read why don’t you check out P.U.S.H. Points With Pastor T! It’s a great book and it really helps you focus on what really matters. Click here for more information.