Copy of See yourself From God's Perspective!

Never forget that YOU are your greatest project. Work on YOU before you work on anyone else. Work on your mindset and your skillset. You can change the season in your life by what you know. You can change the season in your life by how you think.

There is a reason that doctors make more money than nurses. There is a reason lawyers make more money than paralegals. Are they smarter? Not necessarily. They simply continued in the process. They continued to hone their skill.

I encourage you to continue to work on YOU no matter your career field or calling. The more you know the more problems you can solve and he who solves problems gets paid… It just is what it is.

So how can you work on yourself you may ask.

1. Read- Make sure you are constantly reading good books that increase your capacity to receive more, and to believe bigger faster.

2. Listen- to audios while you drive, or work out and while you are working if it want distract you.

3. Attend events that focus on personal development. World renowned speakers such as Les Brown, Tony Robbins, and even John Maxwell are great to attend but don’t for your local less known speakers. Anytime you can attend an event that will make you better make sure you go.

4. Form a mastermind. I would say this is one of my favorites because as the Bible says, Iron sharpens iron.” This means you need to be with people who keep you sharp. You know, people who keep you on your toes by causing you to stretch.

You are your greatest asset and the truth be told you are the only one that you can control so work harder on you than any other “project” that you have.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope this post provided some value.

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