3 Benefits of Drinking Iaso Tea

Iaso tea- tea cup and kettle

Iaso was the Greek goddess of healing or recuperation from illness. Therefore it is a very appropriate name for the tea that has been sweeping the nation. Iaso Tea is an all-natural blend of 9 different herbs that are essential to digestive cleansing. Although there are many benefits of drinking just 2-3 8oz cups of Iaso Tea per day.  Here are just a few.

1. Detox – Iaso Tea contains 9 powerful organic plants that work together to rid the body of parasites. Parasites are a problem that, according to Dr. Oz, 90% of people will be plagued with at some point in their lives. In fact, the World Health Organization classifies parasites as one of the six most dangerous diseases in humans and the reason so many people have stomach issues. These 9 plants include: Holy Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Malva, Papaya, Marsh Mallow, Chamomile, Persimmon Leaves, Ginger and Myrh.

Iaso Tea is not a miracle tea. It is designed to prepare your body for the lifestyle change in your eating habits that will place and keep you on the road to a healthy body and a healthy weight. But, unlike some other detoxes, you can continue to drink this tea for as long as you want to rid your body of the toxins, chemicals, hormones and pesticides you take in daily from the air you breath, the food you eat, and the beverages you consume.

2. Weight Loss – the mass appeal of the Iaso Tea seems to be the weight loss that those who drink it have experienced. This tea can help you lose 5 pounds in as little as 5 days. Intestinal “sludge” and undigested foods can sit in the colon for a long time. This is what causes the number on your scale to rise. It needs to come out in order for you to feel better and be lighter. You would be surprised the amount of “gunk” just sitting there making you feel heavy, sluggish, tired, bloated and gassy. Because the tea starts to work quickly, all this starts to be expelled from your body. What goes in must come out! This is the reason for the weight loss. Some people are walking around with 10 or more pounds from the waste built up in their intestines.

3. Whole Body Cleansing – Iaso Tea doesn’t just clear your digestive tract. It also purifies your organs, your blood, and your respiratory system. Because of this, many people report feeling generally healthier than they did before starting to drink the tea. They are saying they are less stressed, have lowered blood pressure, and less colds and flu outbreaks, among other things. The photo below lists some of the reported benefits of drinking the Iaso tea. Of course this is not a medically prescribed product and no claims are being made here that this tea will treat or cure any medical ailments you may have. This post is merely to introduce you to the tea and its amazing benefits that have been reported by its many users.

To order some Iaso tea visit www.TotalLifeChanges.com/3070631

Please note the referring IBO# is 3070631

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Tracie Davis

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