“Stress is the physical, mental, and emotional reaction you experience as a result of changes and demands in your life.” Health Matters

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We all know about it and we all have experienced stress in our lives. The crazy thing is that we often refuse to make the necessary changes to stop the negative effects of stress in our lives.
This post will give you some ideas on how you can manage the stress in your life.
1. Take care of yourself. Eating right and exercising go much further than you realize. Getting enough sleep can also help so learn when to shut it down for the evening and go to bed.
2. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Although you may feel that they are helping you relax the negative affects are far more detrimental and can actually add to your stress.
3. Stay active. Do some volunteer work at a neighborhood shelter or at your church. Being involved in other people’s lives that has nothing to do with work can help to alleviate a lot of stress. Make sure its an activity that you enjoy and you are around people that appreciate you.
4. Get some support. Talking about what is bothering you can help to reduce your stress level as well.
5. Socialize. Do something fun! Go to a movie, a game, shopping something that you enjoy and do it regularly so that you don’t allow stress to build up in your body.
Everyone experiences stressful situations from time to time. Realistically you may not be able to avoid it completely but you certainly can manage it.
I hope this help… See you next time!

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