Marketing Services

Building a Business From Scratch Workshop

  • Identifying your Mission
  • Setting up your Entity
  • Identifying your Target Market
  • Setting up your Marketing Plan
  • Creating your Business Plan
  • Hiring Your First Staff Member

Social Media Strategy

  • Setting up the Top 5 Social Media Platforms

Facebook Marketing

  • Setting up your private Profile
  • Setting up your Fanpage (optimizing the page and setting up your first campaign)

Video Marketing

  • Setting up your Youtube Channel (optimization and setting up your first campaign)


  • Setting up your Blog
  • Monetizing Your Blog

List Building

  • Setting up your capture pages
  • Your Free Offer
  • Monetizing Your List

CPA Marketing

Offline Marketing Strategies

  • Call Center Setup
  • Hiring Sales Staff

Send an email to for a private consultation and price sheet.